

Our department is proud to participate annually in the Kennedy Center American College 剧院 Festival (KCACTF) -第八区.

作为节日的一部分, most of our productions receive a critical response from a faculty respondent from another college or university in the region. They give the cast and student designers their perspective on our work in an effort to help us strive for excellence in all areas. A small number of productions from our region each year have scenes invited to the annual regional festival and an even smaller number of complete productions, 大约每年8次, are invited to the festival to compete for the opportunity to go to the national festival at the Kennedy Center.

Being invited to the festival is a tremendous honor as our region consists of 127 schools across the states of Hawaii, 犹他州, 内华达, 亚利桑那州, and a good portion of California. Since the beginning of its participation in KCACTF, Concordia has been honored with the following invitations to the regional festival:

  • 2023 - a scene from Godspell music by Stephen Schwartz, book by John-Michael Tebelak, 导演:Lori C. Siekmann, musical direction by Diane King Vann, choreographed by Autumn Mortenson
  • 2020 - 世外桃源 book by Douglas Carter Beane, Music and Lyrics by Jeff Lynne and John Farrar, 导演:Lori C. Siekmann, musical direction by Diane King Vann, choreography by Autumn Mortenson.
  • 2019年-制作 我与你 by Lauren Gunderson, directed by Jeremy Lewis
  • 2018年——来自 虹膜静物 by Steven Dietz, 导演:Lori C. Siekmann
  • 2017 -设计作品 For Those Who Cannot Speak for Themselves: Silence - created for the Around-the-World Semester and directed by 托尼Vezner
  • 2015年-制作 昏昏欲睡的监护人 music and lyrics by Lisa Lambert and Greg Morrison, book by Bob Martin and Don McKellar, 导演:Lori C. Siekmann, music direction by Vanda Eggington, choreographed by Tyson Garner
  • 2013 – The table scene from 博开玩笑 by James Sherman, directed by 托尼Vezner
  • 2012年——制作 生命的封面 用R.T. Robinson, 导演:Lori C. Siekmann
  • 2011 – The “nunnery scene” from 哈姆雷特 by William Shakespeare, directed by 托尼Vezner
  • 2010年-制作 愚蠢的提议, an improvisational comedy in the style of Commedia Del Arte, conceived and 导演:Lori C. Siekmann
  • 2004年-制作 美狄亚 by Euripedes, directed by Mic Shackelford
  • 2003 – The opening scene from 歌舞表演 ——乔·马斯托夫的书, based on the play by John Van Druten and stories by Christopher Isherwood, 约翰·坎德的音乐, 歌词:Fred Ebb, 由博士指导. Peter Senkbeil, music direction 用Rob Blaney, choreographed by Melanie Jacobson
  • 2002年,一个场景 上帝的艾格尼丝 by John Pielmeier, directed by Mic Shackelford

除了这, 2-3 actors per production are nominated to compete in the Irene Ryan National 代理 Competition at the KCACTF regional festival to compete against nominees from other participating colleges and universities. The festival culminates in a national acting competition at the Kennedy Center each year.

Our faculty has been recognized by KCACTF for its excellence:

For more information on region 8 of the Kennedy Center of American College 剧院 Festival, visit www.kcactf-8.org.


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提早行动 12月. 1
优先级 2月. 15
常规的 4月. 1
Applications received after 4月il 1 are reviewed on a rolling bases.
" class="hidden">山西传媒学院