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2021年6月21日 - 5分钟阅读


机灵亨利, 他是奥兰治县的商人和慈善家, has become a generous donor to 欧文康考迪亚大学 in his 十个th decade of life, 知道, “你不能把它带走,他说. “你必须尽你所能去投资.”

Henley says he has “a great deal of respect 为 what we do at 肯考迪娅. I am making plans of investing 为 the good of the future, using the resources to help young people as they find their way.

蒂姆·耶格,康科迪亚副总裁 大学的发展, 市场推广及传播他称亨利是“一个谦逊的改变者”.”

“He is really focused on taking care of people,” Jaeger says. “他帮助贫困的年轻妈妈. He remembers his roots 和 knows w在这里 his blessings come from.”

In my day, the growth of Orange County was spectacular. 我很幸运能在正确的时间来到这里.


Henley was raised by a single mother “on the far side of the tracks” during the Great Depression. He didn’t realize until later how challenging things were in those times. All he knew was he always had side jobs after school — shining shoes, 在院子里干活, “我可以赚钱帮助我妈妈的事情,他说. “这是意料之中的。.”

At home, he learned to read on his mother’s lap with the newspaper comic strips in front of them. “她教我读滑稽故事,”亨利说. “That was her practice reading 和 one of the ways I learned to read.” As a result of those lessons, he became a reader at an early age. “That was the big edge that helped me make it through,他说. “我有一种学习的热情.”

He also credits his teachers 为 great classroom experiences. 在那些日子里, 特别是在中西部地区, teachers were the most honored people in the community, 和牧师一样, 律师和医生,他说.

在高中时, they routed him into vocational studies rather than college preparatory classes, knowing his mother didn’t have the resources to send him to college. World War II had just ended, 和 young Henley learned to weld 和 be a machinist. He l和ed a good welding job 和 continued to send some of his paycheck back to his mother.

“这是例行公事的一部分. 这只是你做的事情,”他说.


不久,他与人称“迪”的多洛丽丝·简结婚.” Henley’s life was again trans为med by a newspaper ad when he discovered a weekend edition of The Los Angeles Times. The great number of want ads caught his eye 和 contrasted with the lack of opportunities he saw w在这里 he lived in the Midwest.

我看了看周围五岁的人, 十个, 比我大十五岁, 他们的表现并不比我好.”

Doy 和 Dee towed a trailer to Southern Cali为nia via Route 66 和 arrived at a trailer park in Inglewood. From t在这里, they discovered the Pacific Ocean, “which was right w在这里 they said it was,” Doy quips.

Century Boulevard was lined with beautiful buildings 和 companies posting “为 hire” signs seemingly everyw在这里. He found a job the next day 和 began making good money quickly, 运行车床, 磨机和其他机器.

“I thought we’d reached the promised l和 because of the fact that I got paid overtime,他说.


他们很快就和一家新公司搬到了奥兰治县, 在塔斯汀大道买了一栋小房子, 离他现在住的地方不远. Then Henley made a big life change, starting his own small machine shop.

His company served aerospace customers such as Douglas, Boeing, Lockheed 和 Northrop. The success of his business allowed the Henleys to invest in local real estate, 哪一种价值飙升.

“In my day, the growth of Orange County was spectacular,他说. “我很幸运能在正确的时间来到这里.”

随着他们业务的增长, so did their ability to substantially help local schools, 大学, 比如查普曼大学和康考迪亚大学, other charities 和 political causes over many years. 一个例子是St。. John’s Lutheran Church 和 School in Orange, which the Henleys have supported generously.

迪伊几年前去世了, but Doy remains a member at the church 和 a supporter of the 700-student preschool to grade 8 school.

通过朋友, Henley discovered 肯考迪娅 和 all its offerings relatively late in life, 和 became a supporter because the university “really does a good job,他说.

“As you mature, you have better judgment than you do as a young person,他说. “你会看到他们所做的事情的价值, 他们是如何影响社会的, 做好事, how they treat people 和 how they encourage people to live a Christian lifestyle, 和 what it means to walk in the light of Jesus Christ. It’s very simple, not complicated, the idea of what it means to be a Christian. 它使生活更容易——更善良、更温和.”

Henley was particularly impacted by his friendship with CUI president emeritus Kurt Krueger, 亲爱的朋友, 罕见的个体, 一个非常聪明的, 很棒的家伙,亨利说。.

“The students provide talent 为 the churches that makes the churches successful, 什么时候才是你真正要做的, 关键是,他说. “成功的教堂, 当会众里的人做得很好的时候, 需要受过教师培训的人, 音乐家,最重要的是牧师和牧师. 这是康科迪亚提供的许多东西之一. 他们确保学生接受领导教会的培训.”

你不能把它带走. 你必须尽你所能去投资.

Doy's most recent gift supports the Director of Pre-Seminary position 和 also provides 奖学金的支持Pre-SeminaryPre-Deaconess学生. “这将有助于学生追求自己的职业,耶格尔说。, “removing financial barriers 为 those who want to serve in churches 和 other ministries.”


亨利仍然打理着他的生意和投资组合, 和 remains involved in political causes 和 church life. 他最近卖掉了他的哈雷戴维森摩托车, 尽管他很后悔,并“试图找回它”,他说. He rode regularly 为 years across the United States. 他还喜欢在射击场射击. “我不后悔,”他说. “If the good Lord calls me this afternoon it’ll be goodbye, good luck. 没有问题.”

亨利从未接受过高中以上的教育, apart from a few business courses at a local community college. What he learned about finance 和 investment, he learned by reading. “I’ve always been a reader, 和 still do read a lot,他说. “这就是我所需要的. 我钦佩受过教育的人.”

He recalls how he 和 his mother started with nothing, 和 how she raised him through the Depression. “我最需要的一切,她都教会了我,”他说.

He marvels at the way he 和 Dee were blessed through the years. Now he’s using his abundance to help students 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 和 elsew在这里 to “have the wisdom to do the right things 为 the right reasons.”



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