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  • Graphic Design Foundation
  • 54 Units
  • ART 200: Elements of Art
  • 3

在这门课程中,学生将通过创造性的工作室活动,在各种二维项目中涉及艺术元素,对艺术的基础知识进行实用的介绍. Class fee: $50. This class is offered each spring semester.

  • ART 201: Drawing I
  • 3

本工作室艺术课程将介绍在各种媒体中观察绘画的基本方法, methods, and subject matter through lectures, demonstrations, slide presentations, studio drawing, out-of-class drawing, sketching, and critiques. Class fee: $50. This class is offered each semester.

  • ART 251: Design
  • 3

This course is a continuation of Elements of Art, with emphasis on the properties and handling of color as a design tool. Students will gain an understanding of color relationships, as well as learn to identify, and analyze the principles and elements of design. 学生将利用这些理论和原则来创造自己独特的设计. Class fee: $50. This class is offered every fall semester.

  • ART 315: The History of Contemporary Art
  • 3

本课程将研究20世纪后半叶和21世纪的艺术,因为它探索了在这一时期成为当代艺术家开创性兴趣点的想法. Students will study how art reflects history; how style communicates the concerns of the artist and their culture; and how symbols, techniques, materials, 主题被用来传达对当代艺术家来说重要的问题. This class is offered every fall semester.

  • ART 321: Painting I
  • 3

本工作室艺术课程将向学生介绍油画和丙烯画的基本方法, painting techniques, form, content, visual appreciation, and personal expression through lectures, demonstrations, slide presentations, studio painting, out-of-class painting, sketching, and critiques. A lab fee is required. Prerequisite: ART 201. This class is offered every fall semester.

  • Graphic Design Core
  • Units
  • ARTG 261: Graphic Design I
  • 3

这个工作室艺术课程将给学生介绍平面设计的研究, as they are exposed to the history of visual communication, typography, advertising, 并学习如何通过创建图像和文本相关项目来识别设计的元素和原则. Students will also develop skills using the digital techniques of scanning, typographic adjustments, vector drawing, exporting, and printing. Class fee: $50. This course is offered every spring semester.

  • ARTG 270: Digital Publishing
  • 3

在本课程中,学生将开发利用构图和排版原则的页面布局技能,同时学习使用Adobe InDesign和在Adobe Illustrator和Adobe Photoshop中创建图像, including text to produce flyers, posters, newsletters, magazines, brochures, calendars, etc. Class fee: $50. This course is offered every spring semester.

  • ARTG 271: Digital Image Manipulation
  • 3

Students will become proficient using Adobe Photoshop in this course, including its applications in graphic design, advertising, web design, animation, and multimedia. 其中复杂的思想和信息的方式可以解释和视觉形式表示的检查也将包括在内. Class fee: $50. This course is offered every fall semester.

  • ARTG 272: Digital Illustration
  • 3

在本课程中,学生将通过练习掌握文字操作和数字插图技巧, demonstrations, and practical assignments using Adobe Illustrator, 包括发展个性化的艺术过程,以产生传达特定信息的数字插图. Class fee: $50. This course is offered every fall semester.

  • ARTG 300: History of Graphic Design
  • 3

This survey course will examine the history of graphic design as students gain a broader understanding of how design affects and is affected by the culture; identify individual illustrators, designers, and artists; and recognize specific styles and movements. This course is offered every spring semester. Class fee: $50. Prerequisite: ARTG 261 or consent of instructor.

  • ARTG 360: Typography I
  • 3

本课程将介绍字体和排版技术的历史概况,向学生介绍不同字体的正式品质,并教他们使用字体作为一种表达性的交流工具. 这是任何希望与印刷文字交流的人的必修课程. Class fee: $50. This class is offered every fall semester. Prerequisite: ARTG 261 or consent of the instructor.

  • ARTG 361: Graphic Design II
  • 3

学生将制作强调美学的中级设计项目, the theory of design, 以及本课程中文本和图像之间的关系,包括使用Adobe InDesign开发数字成像和布局技能, Photoshop, and Illustrator. 本课程的一部分将致力于为社区内的非营利组织创建设计项目的服务学习任务. Class fee: $50. This course is offered every fall semester. Prerequisite: ARTG 261.

  • ARTG 460: Typography II
  • 3

As a continuation of ARTG 360, 本课程将开始探索个人表达和实验排版的课程作业,旨在关注外延的问题, connotation, hierarchy, context and theme, image-type relationships and interaction, and typographic history and expression. Class fee: $50. This course is offered every spring semester. Prerequisite: ARTG 360.

  • ARTG 461: Graphic Design III
  • 3

本课程将允许学生完成高级平面设计项目,以填补他们的投资组合的空白, 强调他们准备成为专业平面设计师通过生产强大的投资组合,可以用来获得实习或就业. Class fee: $50. This course is offered every spring semester. Prerequisite: ARTG 361.

  • ARTG 472: Web Design I
  • 3

Students will plan and execute a site map and design brief, create a website using industry-standard software, and publish it to a server. 重点放在布局、颜色、排版、交互元素和用户体验上. Class fee: $50. This course is offered every fall semester. Prerequisite: ARTG 361 or consent of instructor.

  • ARTG 473: Motion Graphics
  • 3

学生将在本课程中创建电影标题序列的各个阶段,因为他们创建了包括故事板在内的几个项目, animatics, and one full-motion sequence, learning to use the best technique that better serves the idea. Class fee: $50. This course is offered every spring semester. Prerequisite: ARTG 361 or consent of instructor.

  • ARTG 482: Web Design II
  • 3

Students will design, create, and build dynamic websites, focusing on concepts, tools, 以及为网络和ipad等数字设备创建响应式设计的技术, tablets, and smart phones. Class fee: $50. This course is offered every spring semester. Prerequisite: ARTG 472.

  • Choose one of the following courses:
  • ARTG 390: Practicum: Graphic Design
  • 3

This course is a practical, 与学生专业直接相关的课外实践经验, minor, 或专业课程,是一个有益的补充学生的学术经验. A lab fee may be required for some courses.

  • ARTG 481: Digital Photography
  • 3

This course will provide students with an introduction to visual concepts, basic image capture, and camera functions with digital cameras, including software basics for photographic imaging and digital printing. Class fee: $50. This course is offered alternate years in fall semester.

  • CSC 104: Fundamentals of Programming
  • 4

本课程涵盖了使用c#编程语言进行计算机编程和算法设计的基本原理. The class addresses basic language syntax, branching, looping, exceptions, I/O, string processing, best practices, and tools for writing quality computer programs. 它还介绍了将用高级语言编写的程序转换为中间语言的过程,以及操作系统如何加载和执行它. 本课程的学生将能够编写在微软操作系统上运行的基本程序 .NET Framework and the open source equivalent, Mono.

  • ARTG 472: Web Design I
  • 3

Students will plan and execute a site map and design brief, create a website using industry-standard software, and publish it to a server. 重点放在布局、颜色、排版、交互元素和用户体验上. Class fee: $50. This course is offered every fall semester. Prerequisite: ARTG 361 or consent of instructor.

  • CSC 210: Introduction to Operating Systems
  • 3

This course examines the functional components of computer systems, including their hardware implementation and management at different levels, and their interaction, characteristics, and performance. The course will include process management, I/O devices, interrupt structures, resource and memory management, and file systems. Prerequisite: C- or better in CSC 104.

Current students, 请注意:这里列出的要求可能不反映该专业的最新课程,也可能不是您要完成专业的目录年的要求. Please refer to the Academic Catalog for official requirements you must meet to qualify for a degree.

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