





  • 神学的基础
  • 注释的神学
  • 6单元
  • THL 311:旧约圣经
  • 3

This course will offer an in-depth study of a single book of the Old Testament or several books in their entirety which will vary from offering to offering 和 be selected by the instructor. 先决条件: THL 201 或者导师的同意. 如果你学习了另一本书,你可以重修这门课以获得学分.


  • THL 312:新约圣经
  • 3

This course will offer an in-depth study of a single book of the New Testament or several smaller books in their entirety which will vary from offering to offering 和 be selected by the instructor. 先决条件: THL 202 或者导师的同意. 如果你学习了另一本书,你可以重修这门课以获得学分.

  • THL 429:圣经神学和注释
  • 3

通过对旧约和新约主要主题的深入研究, this course will introduce 和 apply the tools 和 principles of exegesis 和 hermeneutics with special emphasis on deriving 律法与福音 principles for use in congregational ministry. 先决条件: THL 201THL 202 或者允许同时注册.

  • 系统神学(教义)
  • 6单元
  • THL 371:基督教教义和信条1
  • 3

This introductory course in systematic 和 confessional theology will cover theological method, 启示与圣经, 律法与福音, 三位一体的神和他的属性, 人性与罪, 以及耶稣基督作为神与人的位格和工作, with an emphasis on key biblical material 和 its expression in the 路德an Confessions.

  • THL 372:基督教教义和信条2
  • 3

This introductory course in systematic 和 confessional theology will cover the work of Christ, 圣灵的位格和工作, the church 和 eschatology with an emphasis on key biblical materials 和 its expression in the 路德an Confessions. 先决条件: THL 371.

  • 历史神学
  • 3单位
  • THL 304:基督教会历史
  • 3

This course will survey the 起源与发展 of the Christian church through the examination of its 政治 和 cultural contexts 和 influences with special consideration given to theological themes which surfaced at different times 和 places throughout the history of the Christian church, 以21世纪原教旨主义的趋势达到高潮, 福音派的教义, 和合一.

  • 任务
  • 3单位
  • THL 430:基督教护教学
  • 3

The relationship of the Christian faith to the major philosophies 和 ideologies that conflict with Christianity will be evaluated from the 2nd century to the present in this course. 前提条件:初级或高级地位或教师同意.


  • THL 481:基督教会的使命
  • 3

This course will provide an overview of the theology 和 practice of Christian missions including the historical development, 传教的方法, 传福音的程序, 范式转变, 培养向他人分享福音所需的技能.

  • 其他神学思想
  • 3单位
  • rel321:世界宗教
  • 3

This survey course of the world's major non-Christian religions will include motifs, 信仰模式, 仪式和崇拜, 道德, 社会模式, 起源与发展, 还有圣典.


  • rel375:当代宗教团体
  • 3

This introductory survey course of several major Western theological positions is organized around the systems of Roman Catholicism, 路德, 加尔文和卫斯理. 先决条件: CTHL 101 or CTHL 200 或同等.

  • 哲学
  • 从以下哲学课程中选择一门:
  • φ 211:哲学伦理学
  • 3

This introductory course to philosophy through the examination of major traditions of ethical reflection in the history of philosophy such as Socrates, 柏拉图, 亚里士多德, 康德, 和机.

  • φ 433:宗教哲学
  • 3

This introductory course to the issues of the philosophy of religion including epistemological method, 证明上帝存在的经典证据, 决定论, 自由意志, 宗教体验, 信仰与理性, 还有邪恶的问题. 先决条件: (CTHL 101 or CTHL 200) 和 (Cφ 101 or Cφ 200) 或者导师的同意.

  • φ 439:分析哲学
  • 3

This course will introduce contemporary Western philosophy including 19th century background, “早期”和“晚期”维特根斯坦, G.E. 摩尔,B. 罗素和“普通语言”运动. References to Christian respondents to the practitioners of this style of philosophy will also be examined. 前提条件:Cφ 101或Cφ 200或φ 211.

  • φ 467:生物伦理学和医疗保健专业
  • 3

This course will examine the ethical issues raised by modern advances in health care 和 biological research. 将注意生物伦理学的语言, 重要的哲学和神学方法, 以及社会文化影响. 特别的重点可能包括临床护理伦理, 医疗保健环境中的商业道德, 或者其他合适的话题. 前提条件:CTHL 101或CTHL 200或THL 202或NTHL 101或NTHL 202.

  • φ 491:专题
  • 3

This seminar course will focus on philosophical topics which will vary with each offering.

  • 从以下未修过的解经神学课程中选择一门:
  • GRE考试 101:希腊文I
  • 4

This course will study the fundamentals of the ancient Greek language including morphology, 语法, 以及阅读简单希腊散文的词汇.

  • GRE考试 102:希腊文2
  • 4

GRE考试 101的延续. 先决条件:GRE考试 101或同等学历,成绩为C-或更高.

  • GRE考试 301:希腊文阅读
  • 3

Readings of selected portions of the ancient Greek Biblical 和 classical texts with special emphasis on building translation skills through a review of morphology 和 语法 as well as the acquisition of the new 词汇表. 先决条件:GRE考试 101, GRE考试 102 C-或以上. 可以重复学分吗.

  • 希伯来书101:希伯来书1
  • 4

本课程将学习形态学, 词汇表, 以及圣经希伯来语的语法,以便阅读希伯来圣经的简单段落.

  • 来102:希伯来书2
  • 4

来 101的延续. 先决条件:来 101或同等学历,成绩为C-以上.

  • 希伯来书301:希伯来阅读
  • 3

通过阅读选择性叙述, 希伯来圣经中的法律和诗歌段落, students will advance their translation skills through review 和 inductive study of morphology, 词汇表 和 语法 with attention paid to genre analysis 和 textual criticism. 先决条件:来 101, 来 102 C或以上. 可以重复学分吗.

  • THL 311:旧约圣经
  • 3

This course will offer an in-depth study of a single book of the Old Testament or several books in their entirety which will vary from offering to offering 和 be selected by the instructor. 先决条件: THL 201 或者导师的同意. 如果你学习了另一本书,你可以重修这门课以获得学分.

  • THL 312:新约圣经
  • 3

This course will offer an in-depth study of a single book of the New Testament or several smaller books in their entirety which will vary from offering to offering 和 be selected by the instructor. 先决条件: THL 202 或者导师的同意. 如果你学习了另一本书,你可以重修这门课以获得学分.

  • THL 399A:训诂神学专题
  • 3

This course will examine a special topic in exegetical, systematic, or historical theology.

  • 从以下未修过的系统神学课程中选择一门:
  • THL 465:基督徒与伦理学
  • 3

根据圣经的教导,通过道德和伦理的Explore, 本课程将使学生熟悉主要方法, 传统的和现代的, of non-biblical philosophical 道德 as they learn how the Christian faith interacts with these approaches. The significance of the 路德an confessional distinction between God's left 和 right h和 rule will also be explored. Student research 和 presentations on contemporary ethical issues are usually included. 先决条件:CTHL 101 or CTHL 200)和初级地位,或导师的同意.

  • THL 399B:系统神学专题
  • 3

This course will examine a special topic in exegetical, systematic, or historical theology.

  • 从以下未修过的教会历史课程中选择一门:
  • THL 351:教父和中世纪基督教
  • 3

With an emphasis on the major themes in the history of Christian thought beginning with the church fathers, 本课程将着眼于中世纪的思想家,并以圣. 托马斯。.

  • THL 355:宗教改革
  • 3

本课程将向学生介绍社会, 政治, 和 intellectual context of the various 16th century reformations of the church in Europe as well as the events, 的想法, 和 implications of these reform movements with attention given to both the "magisterial" 和 "radical" Protestant 和 Catholic reformations.

  • THL 358:当代教会历史
  • 3

经过18和19世纪的调查, this course will focus on theological thought after Protestant liberalism 和 up to the present day with some time devoted to conservative responses.

  • THL 463:阅读古典基督教思想
  • 3

Selected primary source readings in Western Christianity including Augustine (Confessions), 圣的生活. 安东尼,选西方神秘主义者,圣. 安瑟伦、圣. 托马斯·阿奎那、路德、加尔文和卫斯理将在本课程中学习. 先决条件:CTHL 101 or CTHL 200)和初级地位,或导师的同意.

  • THL 399C:历史神学专题
  • 3

This course will examine a special topic in exegetical, systematic, or historical theology.

  • 选修
  • Choose any 300 or 400 level 基督学院 course not taken in the major (prefixes ARA, 清洁能源, GRE考试, 来, 纬度, φ, THL)

当前的学生, please note: The requirements listed here may not reflect the most current courses for this major 和 may not be the requirements for the catalog year you are following to complete your major. 请参阅 学术目录 对于官方要求,你必须符合资格获得学位.

" class="hidden">山西传媒学院